Thursday 12 September 2013

Meeting - September 2013

The purpose and plans for the Forum
Andy Coote introduced his first meeting as chairman with a discussion about the role and responsibilities of the Forum focusing on the summary that had been previous circulated. This was then updated.

In discussion, people highlighted a variety of issues and opportunities such as:

  • A recent report which had suggested that Falmouth was the 11th most deprived seaside town in the country. This was disputed, especially given the changes over the last five years, but it was recognised that the town still had much work to do in some residential areas
  • The importance of being a group which not only discussed ideas but did something about the conclusions, fitting in with the work of other bodies such as the Town Council and the BID
  • The use of working groups to tackle particular issues. The Town Council had formerly asked the Forum to look at specific strategic issues but this seemed to have waned
  • Whether the Forum should include a representative of the police, at a strategic level 

The summary was re-drafted along the following lines:
'The Town Forum is a non-political, non-aligned, open, results-orientated forum which exists to assist the successful vitality, viability and sustainable growth of Falmouth. It brings together representatives of groups and organisations in the town – from the commercial, charitable and statutory sectors – to talk about strategic and current issues, share knowledge, and to explore and deliver projects to the benefit of the future of the town. Being non-aligned, it has the freedom to explore ideas in ways which other organisations cannot.' This was open to more considered re-drafting.

It is also a bridging body - a sounding board - and a channel of communication.

Administrative matters
There was still a need for a Vice-Chair to support the Chairman in the many representative calls on his time. Volunteers were sought (but no one came forward).

The Constitution of the Forum would be updated in the light of the discussions.

Tall Ships 2014
This event is predicted to bring in 9,000 participants and over 100,000 visitors to the town.

The Tall Ships event is going to need about 150 volunteers. Anyone who wishes to apply should register with Volunteer Cornwall. There will also be an opportunity for young people to sail on board the Tall Ships. This is a contractual requirement on the Organising Committee and needs our support. See here for details.

There may also be a need for pastoral support in liaison with the Mission to Seamen. Neil Tinson is pursuing this with the Tall Ships Committee.

Radio signals in the centre of town 
The poor quality of reception in the town means that many people cannot receive digital radio. Chris Smith will bring together interested parties including Brod Ross, Matthew Rogers (SourceFM) and others with the intention of whatever taking action we can and producing a letter from the Forum to the relevant authorities.

BID Renewal 
The Business Improvement District is up for renewal in November and is finalising details of its manifesto. Some 471 businesses are involved and more than 50% have responded to the recent survey seeking new ideas. Richard Wilcox would share the draft with the Forum to seek its input. He was hopeful of success especially given the support for the surveys.

A recent report - the Grimsey report - highlighted a range of things that town centres should be doing to make themselves attractive. [Late entry: a further report by the Centre for Cities is also available here]. The BID had been pursuing many of these ideas itself, which was encouraging. The Forum offered Richard whatever help he needed in developing these ideas further.

A big issue remained the need to separate in constituents' minds the difference between the remits and work of the BID, the Town Council and the County Council, especially in the light of the cuts (see next item) and change sin responsibility through localism.

Cornwall Council cuts
A 'tsunami of cuts' is on its way and it is likely that Cornwall Council will end up operating at a level which one councillor had described as being 'at the margin of acceptability' and 'at the margin of statutory requirements'. These cuts have largely been imposed by central government. Falmouth Town Council is trying to take up the slack by managing things such as toilets and roundabouts but even their room for manoeuvre is restricted by the political acceptability of putting up the precept. There was also a real danger that government might limit the level of increase in the precept as it had done for Cornwall Council.

An event is due to take place at Mabe Town Hall on 3 October when the budget will be discussed in more detail.

The trial dredge to check the dead maerl habitat has taken place but unexpected delays means that full report is unlikely to be complete until January. If this proves helpful then it is hoped that the MMO will issue a licence. That licence may contain a number of requirements which will need to be negotiated.

Special Protection Area
A new issue was emerging: the possible designation of a large area of the coast as a Special Protection Area because of its importance to four species of migratory birds. There was a real need for a full management specification before the consultation process starts so that one could understand the implications of protection. This had not happened in the past and designations had been enforced in ways that had never originally been interpreted.

Access to Finance event
The Federation of Small Businesses is running an Access to Finance event on 17 October at the Greenbank Hotel from 19:00. Tickets available here.

Dates for future meetings
The next meeting would be held on 13 November in the NMMC Haddon Board Room at the new time of 18:00. The provisional dates for 2014 are on the separate page.

Those attending
Andy Coote - Falmouth Business Club (Chairman)
Caroline Robinson - Federation of Small Businesses
Chris Smith - Community Plan
Cllr Candy Atherton - Cornwall Council
David Yelland - Falmouth School
Jonathan Griffin - National Maritime Museum Cornwall
Mark Williams - Falmouth Town Council
Mike Jenks - Civic Society
Mike Reynolds - A&P Docks
Neil Tinson - Churches Together
Richard Wilcox - Falmouth BID
Shaun Davie - FDHA