Thursday 11 March 2010

Meeting March 2010

Notes from the Forum's March meeting follow. Any suggested amendments or omissions to the Chairman please.

The notes Convergence and the Strategic Investment Framework (SIF)
Progress with the SIF was a key theme throughout the March meeting. The SIF had been formally approved by Falmouth Town Council and SWRDA but was held up in the Cornwall Council cabinet as it was felt that the projects were 'not sufficiently transformational'. The workspace projects could be funded under Priority 2 but this has yet to be decided. A ‘Rapid Review’ is taking place which Cornwall Council are leading on. Despite this, work was continuing on working up detailed proposals. Figures in () are Convergence funds required:

Infrastructure for knowledge based enterprises
  • Watson Marlow (£769k) - spent 
  • Kernick BID (£350k) - combined with the next two 
  • Commercial Road BID (£1.9m) - combined with next one
  • Bickland Water BID (£350k) - a joint study of industrial estates has been initiated 
  • ESCO studies (£187k) - a study is taking place for a Docks CHP project
  • Economic Masterplan (150k) – a brief and governance terms of reference have been written. Cornwall Council are leading on this. Timeframes unknown
  • Falmouth Town Centre development options (key sites) (£100k) - no news
  • Other work space projects (tba) – an update was given at the meeting on 5 workspace projects that are being worked up
Growing the Marine Sector
  • Port of Falmouth Masterplan (187k) - report commissioned and public consultation due in June 
  • Falmouth Marine School (£1.6m) - re-location to Watersports Centre site in train
  • Projects arising from Port masterplan (tba) – waiting the results of the study
Improving connectivity and legibility
  • Truro - Falmouth branch line (£4.668m) - spent
  • Treluswell Station Park and Rail (£2.5m) - a feasibility study is in train; no known support outside Cornwall Council
  • Phase 2 Walking and Cycling Network (£1.5m) - no news. This is being written into LTP3 and SIF co-ordinator has had early discussions
  • Falmouth Town Pedestrian links (£70k) - no news. Falmouth BIDs to be match funder
  • Falmouth and Penryn Strategic Transport Projects (tba) - no news
Additional projects - sustainable transport
  • Oyster card sustainable transport - being commissioned through Fal River Links
The newly re-constituted Falmouth and Penryn Regeneration Group, chaired by Oliver Cramp, was the lead body for steering the implementation of the SIF in Falmouth and Penryn. This would be meeting to review progress on 30 March.

Cornwall Council
A major, and beneficial, culture change is taking place within Cornwall Council. Although there are funding challenges, issues are being grasped. Internal communication has improved dramatically. Some further re-organisation will be inevitable. In the long term, it is likely the Council will be seeking to commission more services from others.

Projects highlights included:
  • The construction of Penryn College which came in on time and on budget
  • The re-structure of Health and Childcare services
  • The need to move towards a green flag assessment
  • The need to reduce the number of Council-owned buildings from around 70 to around 30
  • A draft business plan has been produced which available online at Draft Business Plan
  • An economic development Green paper (discussion document) has been produced. Economic Green Paper This will be shortly changing colour to White (formal proposal). Neither Falmouth Town Council nor the Forum had been formally asked to comment on this
Cornwall Council is also producing a Sustainable Community Strategy and a Local Development Framework; and a local Community Network Programme which will be informed by our own Community Plan.
  • 'The Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) sets out what is important for the quality of life of the people of Cornwall and what can be done to protect or improve it in a way that is sustainable. It will look at community needs and aspirations and aims to bring together public, private, voluntary and community organisations to respond to these needs and aspirations. Cornwall Council has a legal responsibility to prepare a Sustainable Community Strategy in collaboration with the Cornwall Strategic Partnership.
  • 'The Local Development Framework (LDF) will set out the Council's policies for meeting the community's economic, environmental and social aims for the future where this effects the development and use of land.'
  • A Community Network Programme for the area immediately surrounding Falmouth and Penryn. Consultation on this will take place shortly and Forum members are invited to attend
  • A Local Investment Plan which will be the ‘project and action’ arm of Cornwall’s regeneration approach, linked closely with the white paper on economic priorities and strategic intent (it is unclear whether this is the same as the LDF)
The draft list for the Local Investment Plan has generalised information for the whole county as well as local projects. Those specific to Falmouth are:
  • Promoting the continued development of the CUC Hub and rim and proposals for the CUC masterplan up to 2016 , phase 3 funding £13.8m 
  • Supporting the identification of land and provision of student accommodation on and off site 
  • CUC centres of excellence
  • Kernick Industrial estate BID (Convergence)
  • Commercial Road BID (Convergence)
  • Bickland Water Rd (Convergence)
  • Bickland Water Road ecopark live/work scheme extension? (Homes and Communities Agency (HCA))
  • Falmouth Wharves project
  • ESCO studies
  • Port of Falmouth /docks masterplanning and projects mixed use commercial and employment (Convergence)
  • Marine school – relocation and site redevelopment (Convergence)
  • Upgrading and enhancement of the Truro/Falmouth branch line (Convergence)
  • Treluswell park and ride (Convergence)
  • Falmouth town centre redevelopment options: Retail housing/waterfront enhancements 
  • Sustainable transport package (Convergence)
  • Strategic brownfield site redevelopment – Swanvale oiltanks (HCA/planning gain)
  • Falmouth school playfield relocation (PFI (housing and education)/HCA)
  • Falmouth pitch and putt (HCA/planning gain)
  • Swanpool (HCA/planning gain)
  • College Hill housing site (HCA/planning gain)
  • Kernick Farm housing / employment site (HCA/planning gain)
  • Gabbons Nursery housing site (HCA/planning gain)
The general impression was that this is a tired and muddled-looking list which needed much further work.

Cornwall Council are also working on a review of all their land and building assets including Church Street Car Park. The Church Street Car Park development brief work was 'not wasted' but had not been brought to a formal conclusion. The appearance of a developer willing to invest on the site had brought into focus the need to link development here with changes elsewhere in the town, notably on car parks.

Elsewhere, the Transport Department is known to be working on the next Local Transport Plan (LTP3). No contact, discussion or consultation has so far taken place.

The department was also working (slowly) on a county-wide car parking policy.

Falmouth and Penryn Community Plan
The Community Plan has been formally adopted by Falmouth Town Council and is awiating endorsement at Cornwall Council level. Despite this, it is being quoted widely in official documents. The membership of the Management Group is being widened to involve all implementers and Falmouth Town Council is assisting in providing resource to monitor the Plan's implementation.

Town Management
The retail situation is looking up with many of the empty shops likely to come back into use quite soon. In particular, Woolworth's site has been let. Rick Stein's new venture will open on 19 March.

The events programme is developing well with planning already taking place for Christmas and hanging baskets are planned for the summer. Training was planned to assist traders to develop their businesses.

The big issue is the proposed increase in business rates which could have a significant economic impact on struggling traders.

Business Improvement District
The BID is coming to the end of its first year which had been a foundation year. Unspent money will be carried over into future years. Richard Wilcox has joined and is driving projects forward.

Two benches are to be installed outside SpecSavers and the One-stop Shop. A new map is going to press very shortly and a new brand for the town is being developed. The website will follow in a few months as it would be a time-consuming task to collect all the necessary information. These projects all reflected the programme that had been voted on which emphasised marketing of the town.

Transport issues
Cornwall Council is about to start work on re-arranging the Kimberley Road junction (the lights). The thinking is unclear and the solution is believed to be confused and flawed. Sadly, the consultation period has passed.

They were also consulting on the idea of removing the overtaking restriction on Dracaena Hill. This would 'reduce clutter' as three signs could be removed. Efforts were being made to get them to incorporate a speed limit extension, moving the 30mph limit to MacDonalds in line with the recommendation in the Community Plan.

There was no news on the signing about the bollard in the main street which had been promised for the end of August (2009).

The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
There was regret but understanding at the closure of the Poly as an arts centre. All were keen to see the centre back in operation if this could be possible. The Society itself was in good health. A Members' meeting was planned for the week of 15 March.

It looked likely that John Slaughter would be leaving for Cardiff. There was therefore a need for a Vice Chairman (and Secretary). Members were asked to volunteer.

The following attended the meeting:
Jonathan Griffin - National Maritime Museum Cornwall (chair)
Mike Reynolds - A& P
Cliff Brown - 81 Employers Group
Roger Radcliffe - Cornwall Council
Tim Light – Fal River Links
Nigel Carpenter - Falmouth BID
Dick Stiles - Falmouth Civic Society
John Langan - Falmouth Harbour Commissioners
John Slaughter - Independent
Sally Stiles - Falmouth Residents Association
Oliver Cramp - Falmouth Town Council
Jackie George - Falmouth Watersports Association
Davdi Pollard - Independent
Chris Smith - RIBA
Keith Hambly-Staite – Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Lorely Lloyd - Transition Falmouth
John Bottomley – Transport Group
Jilly Easterby - University College Falmouth